Friday, July 15, 2016

Our World

Our world seems to be spinning out of control lately. Every day I wake up and check my news app, just hoping to see something positive. Instead my news app has been filled with police shootings, trucks running over innocent victims, and protests. My mind is filled with questions of why and how and I'm not finding any answers. Why would someone want to destroy families? How do they think that could possibly change anything for the better?

As these thoughts and questions are racing through my head, a song comes to mind. Here are some of the lyrics:

Every step, every breath You are there.
Every tear, every cry, every prayer,
In my hurt, at my worst
When my world falls down
Not for a moment will You forsake me.
~Not For a Moment by Meredith Andrews

God knew these events were going to take place long before they happened. He knows what is going to happen today, tomorrow, and next week. He has the whole world in His hands. When it seems like chaos all around us, He has a plan. It may not make sense, these latest events in our country and abroad certainly don't make sense to me. But it does to Him. There should be some level of comfort in knowing that no matter what happens, good or bad, God has this under control. He's got this

So what are we supposed to do as the world seems to spin out of control? 1 Timothy 2:1-4 says:
"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

We pray. We pray for our leaders. We pray for our country. We pray for those who feel that causing harm is the best solution. We pray for the families affected by these tragedies. We pray for the soldiers fighting for our freedom. We pray for the world. We pray for people to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Prayer for Our Country
Lord make our country strong in Your hands. May our goals be shaped by Your will; may our resolve be based on Your truth; may our resources be used for Your glory and the good of others. Cover us with grace, shield us with mercy, and motivate us with love. Lord, we know that as a land, a nation, and a people, there is nothing greater than Your presence with us and Your favor upon us. May we move ahead with faith and reliance upon You in all things and at all Times. May we live in such a way that pleases You and blesses our country. Amen.  
Prayer for Our Country


Friday, July 8, 2016


It has been a few weeks since I posted last. I've been enjoying have time off to spend with friends, work on some DIY projects and riding along with my husband in the tractor!
I love Pinterest. But with Pinterest projects comes Pinterest fails, which I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced these! Incomplete directions, typos on recipes, or "quick and easy" labels on "this will take forever and challenging" projects. But more often then not, I've found some great projects! My latest was a bandana dress for one of my best friend's daughters for the 4th of July. I was skeptical, but it turned out to be fairly easy and really cute!
Click here for my directions and more pictures of my newest DIY project! 
After the dress was finished, Ashley and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take some pictures of Brooklyn in her dress with her adorable baby brother, Elijah! 

I could have posted 60+ pictures of pure cuteness, but I picked just a few of my favorites! These pictures were accomplished with the help of games of peek-a-boo and Itsy Bitsy Spider sing-a-longs.
One of my most favorite things about having the summer off is being able to spend time during the day with my husband. It's been really busy lately and some nights he doesn't come home til after 9. So I take every opportunity I can to spend time with him! Now this might mean riding in the tractor, following him around while he fixes things around the farm, or milking with him.
"These are the sweetest times
These times together
And through it all, one thing will always be true
The special times are the times I share with you."

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