Wednesday, June 22, 2016


One of my favorite quotes is:
 "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm." ~Winston Churchill
As I began thinking about this post, I went onto Pinterest and searched Winston Churchill success quotes to see what would pop up. In addition to the quote I wrote above, I found this quote and loved it almost as much!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ~Winston Churchill
I could go on and on with the quotes that I found, but I'll save those for future posts!
So why am I listing out my favorite success quotes? Because that's what this post is about! Success! But what is success and who defines success? This is something that's been on my mind lately. I recently became an independent consultant with Mary & Martha. I was hesitant at first, but after learning more about the company and their desire to use their products to bless people and bring Christ into every home, I decided that this was a company that I wanted to be a part of. My first month as a consultant went very well and I began to think about how my business was really taking off and how far I would be able to go with this. Well now my gatherings are over and business is anything but booming. So does that mean that I'm failing? By man's standard, probably yes. But should I even care about man's standards? Not really. By God's standards, I have not failed. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and He will give you success."
So where am I going with this? Every time I'm ready to throw in the towel with this business venture, I'm reminded that God has a plan for this. I can't just give up on God's plan, it just doesn't work that way. I need to give my Mary & Martha business to Him and He will do with it what He wants. He is my business partner because I can't do this alone!
This doesn't just apply to work or a business. This applies to everyone's everyday life! When things get tough, when you get frustrated, or when things don't go as planned, what do we tend to do? Blame ourselves, tell ourselves we failed, and tell ourselves it's all over. I know this is what I do. As they say, we are our toughest critics.
What should we do? Hit our knees and start praying! God will give the strength, the courage, and the peace to keep keeping on. Whether it's something like a business venture or some other major decision or even something we consider small, it is all important to God.
1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your care upon; for he careth for you."
This post took a turn as I was writing from focusing on success to focusing on the importance of prayer and relying on God to bless you and guide you!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Make Today Amazing

Today was another busy, but fun day at the farm! Nothing's better than getting to spend the day with my husband! While he was working on getting his baler ready to go for this afternoon, I visited the cows. This one was very curious and photogenic!
 After helping load bales, I went to a friend's house to let out her dog, Willie. He had a blast playing with his stick and board collection he had stashed in the backyard! He's a cutie!
As I was leaving, I saw their neighbor's flag. It said "make today amazing." This was on my mind the rest of the drive home. We have a choice each day to make it an amazing day or to make it a bad day. 33Miles wrote a song titled "Jesus Calling". That song contains these lyrics which are perfect for this topic! "How you see your circumstance is all about a choice." 
Your attitude before your feet in even hit the ground in the morning can determine how your day will turn out. Granted things go wrong and things happen that are frustrating and all around just not good. But let's just focus on the everyday circumstances. 
For me, weeding is my everyday circumstance that I find less than amazing. I love planting flowers, watering flowers, and I love when they grow and bloom. But weeds, I despise weeds. It seems that as soon as I finish weeding, there's weeds already growing back where I started! So how do I find something positive and amazing in weeds? My flowers of course! If I didn't weed, they would overtake my flowers and their beauty. So what is the moral of this story?  Weeding out the negativity (sorry about the pun!) brings out the beauty around us! This doesn't just happen by snapping your fingers, just like weeding a flowerbed doesn't happen by snapping your fingers (trust me, I've tried  numerous times!). This is a process. A daily process of focusing on the amazing, even when it's not easy.
Philippians 4:8 says  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
What we fill our minds with affects our attitude which, in turn, affects the outcome of our day. 
So here's to think on everything true, honest, just, pure, lovely and anything else that contains good! Make today and every day amazing!


Saturday, June 11, 2016


"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
This has been my favorite verse for several years now. Recently, it has become even more relevant in my life. Before I even get out of bed in the morning, I'm making my plans for the day. Mental lists of everything that needs to be done at home, paperwork that needs to be completed at word, calls to make to parents about their student, and what to make for supper are just some of the plans I make each and every day. More often then not, those plans change. Unexpected things arise at work and paperwork waits for yet another day or we only come home at 8:30 from the farm and supper becomes chicken nuggets instead of a full meal.
This is life. Expect the unexpected is a saying that I'm learning to live by. As I was thinking about this verse and this saying, I realized that we, as Christians, don't have to expect the unexpected. It may be an unexpected change or interruption to our plans for our life, but it's not unexpected to God and His plan for our life. He knows the plan for our day, our week, and the rest of our lives. That fact alone should be all the comfort we need when our plans are seeming to unravel.
As I was looking up other bible verses about God's plans, I stumbled across Proverbs 16:9 which says "The heart of a man plans his ways, but Lord establishes his steps." We can plan all we want for that day or that week, but ultimately, God has our plans in His hands (thank goodness!).
So when life throws us what may seem to be a curve ball, keep in mind that it isn't at all unexpected. It is God's plan for our lives. We need to keep calm, adventure on, and continue walking by faith!
Adventure On 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Welcome to my blog! I'm Kate and I am so glad you stopped by! I have been tossing around the idea for a while now of starting a blog, but the time never seemed right. Throughout the past year I've gotten married, moved, and changed jobs. With these changes, came this blog!
Now to introduce myself. Here are 10 facts about me:

1) I married the love of my life, Doug, last July and life has been a wonderful adventure ever since!
2) I am a 2nd grade learning support teacher and absolutely love it! My first year of teaching has come to an end, but what a year it has been! So many ups and downs. My students taught me so much and I'm so proud of each one of them!

3) My husband and I live right down the road from his family's farm.I'm lucky enough to be able to spend a lot of time with him there! Some of my favorite date nights have been spent riding along with him in the tractor.

4) I love burlap, daisies, pickles and Pinterest.
5) I despise ironing.
6) Cooking, baking, and running are my ways of destressing. I will be sharing some of our favorite recipes!
7) I recently became an independent consultant for Mary & Martha, an inspiration home decor company owned by Dayspring. I absolutely love their products, the company, and their focus on using the products to bless and make God the center of the home!
8) I'm a firm believer that chocolate, in any form, can cure anything.
9) Green is my favorite color.
10) Christmas is the BEST time of the year!

Well now that you know a little more about me, comment and tell me something about you!