Saturday, June 11, 2016


"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
This has been my favorite verse for several years now. Recently, it has become even more relevant in my life. Before I even get out of bed in the morning, I'm making my plans for the day. Mental lists of everything that needs to be done at home, paperwork that needs to be completed at word, calls to make to parents about their student, and what to make for supper are just some of the plans I make each and every day. More often then not, those plans change. Unexpected things arise at work and paperwork waits for yet another day or we only come home at 8:30 from the farm and supper becomes chicken nuggets instead of a full meal.
This is life. Expect the unexpected is a saying that I'm learning to live by. As I was thinking about this verse and this saying, I realized that we, as Christians, don't have to expect the unexpected. It may be an unexpected change or interruption to our plans for our life, but it's not unexpected to God and His plan for our life. He knows the plan for our day, our week, and the rest of our lives. That fact alone should be all the comfort we need when our plans are seeming to unravel.
As I was looking up other bible verses about God's plans, I stumbled across Proverbs 16:9 which says "The heart of a man plans his ways, but Lord establishes his steps." We can plan all we want for that day or that week, but ultimately, God has our plans in His hands (thank goodness!).
So when life throws us what may seem to be a curve ball, keep in mind that it isn't at all unexpected. It is God's plan for our lives. We need to keep calm, adventure on, and continue walking by faith!
Adventure On 

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